July 2021

The Liveability Challenge 2021 Grand Finale


1400hrs - 1715hrs (SGT)


In support of SDG

Presented by

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About this Event

By 2050, global carbon emissions must reach net zero emissions to keep temperatures within a 1.5 degree Celsius rise from pre-industrial levels. Scientists regard this as critical to prevent the worst effects of climate change. With more than 50 billion tonnes of carbon emissions released into the atmosphere annually, we need revolutionary ideas that will enable humanity to drastically reduce the production of greenhouse gas emissions and its removal at scale.

At the same time, our disposable culture has exacerbated resource scarcity, and created a pollution crisis that threatens the natural ecosystems which we need to thrive. We need a circular economy to replace the existing linear model that is hugely wasteful and pollutive. How can we find solutions which are restorative and regenerative in design?  

Finalists will compete for the grand prize of up to S$1 million in grant funding for project development by Temasek Foundation, a minimum of S$50,000 investment by Planet Rise, a S$50,000 investment by Amasia and S$50,000 investment by Silverstrand Capital.

The Liveability Challenge is also excited to announce a new partnership with Microsoft. All finalists will also secure a spot on the Microsoft for Sustainability Innovation Programme.

Congratulations to the six finalists who will take the stage at the Grand Finale on 28 July to pitch their solutions to some of Asia's most sought after investors:

1. Aegis Packaging (Singapore): O2X TM: Making sustainable packaging possible
2. DiviGas (Singapore): Hydrogen membranes used in carbon capture at refineries
3. Econic Technologies (United Kingdom): Carbon dioxide – From waste to opportunity
4. NEU Battery Materials (Singapore): Producing clean and sustainable lithium
5. Seachange (United States of America): Atmospheric carbon removal at the gigatonne scale
6. SEPPURE (Singapore): Sustainable solvent recovery and reuse using nanofiltration technology

Who will emerge the Grand Winner of The Liveability Challenge 2021? Join us to find out.












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