Speaker Profile

Victoria Rigby Delmon

Regional Pre-Investment Head, Infrastructure, Asia Pacific, International Finance Corporation

Victoria Rigby Delmon is the Regional Pre-Investment Head, Infrastructure, Asia Pacific – based in Singapore. Victoria brings over 30 years of experience in infrastructure finance, M&A and structuring of infrastructure projects, spanning Africa, Eastern Europe, Middle East and Asia Pacific.  She started her career at the law firm Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer in London, Paris and Frankfurt, then as in-house international counsel at the utility company Veolia Environnement.  Prior to joining IFC, she spent over 10 years with the World Bank.  

In her present role, she leads a team focused on creating markets and developing bankable infrastructure projects in Asia, particularly in evolving segments such as water re-use, sub-national finance, decarbonization of cities, waste management and recycling, cold chain and third party logistics, battery storage, green hydrogen, decarbonization, sustainable waste solutions, electrification of transport, green data centres and sustainable linked financing, working with public and private sector clients, collaborating closely with the World Bank and other development partners.  Highlights include early stage advice to develop a dry port in Laos, support to Cities in India on wastewater solutions, analysis of smart metering business models, support to cities seeking to develop EV platforms; support to utilities to understand the potential business cases for combining battery storage with RE; exploring opportunities for cross border energy trading in the region; collaborating with clients on green hydrogen to ammonia projects; conducting market analysis of industrial and e-waste sectors around Asia and working with developers on bankability and scale-up of wastewater treatment projects.

She co-edited the book “International Project Finance and PPPs” (Kluwer/ Aspen Publishing) and has co-authored publications on private participation in infrastructure, incentive-based regulation and commercial finance.    

Victoria holds an MA in law from Oxford University (UK).  

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