Speaker Profile

Tom van der Meulen

Managing Director, Control Union Philippines

Tom van der Meulen holds a Master's degree in Environment and Resource Management from the VU University in Amsterdam, complemented by a Bachelor's degree in Spatial Planning from the Wageningen University, with a focus and specialization in agriculture, environmental management and energy studies.

With over a decade of experience in the agricultural and sustainability field, Tom serves as the current Managing Director at Control Union the Philippines where most of the work is related to the certification of agricultural enterprises. His expertise extends across diverse areas within sustainability, showcasing a profound commitment to

environmental stewardship.

Beyond his professional pursuits, Tom nurtures a personal passion for agriculture, nature, and the oceans and he is a fanatic diver, sailor and kite surfer. In the past Tom has lead a team of international inspectors to perform post-harvest quality control on behalf of importers and exports for various fruits and vegetables in over 20 countries.

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