Speaker Profile

Sharon Jean Gonzales–Gulmatico

CEO and Head-SDG 2 Investments, Morination Agricultural Products Inc.

Sharon Jean Gonzales–Gulmatico is CEO and Head-SDG 2 Investments of Morination Agricultural Products Inc., a social enterprise established in 2014 that works with the United Nations in its peace, development, and humanitarian efforts. Morination is a Circle of Excellence awardee for SMEs from the 2021 Asia CEO Awards. It is a 2022 and 2023 UNSDG SME Awardee from the UN Global Compact Network Philippines. In 2024, Morination received the AGORA AWARD for Outstanding Achievement in the UN Global Compact Advocacy Marketing for the UNSDG.

Sharon leads the company in meeting its corporate goals and the SDGs. Morination is a private sector representative of the (1) UN-Business Group, (2) The Philippines Partnership for Sustainable Agriculture (PPSA), and (3) Gender Equality and Social Inclusion, International Trade & Investments of the Philippine Council for Agriculture and Fisheries. Morination is a case study for the ASEAN Responsible Agri-Investments and the Co-lead for the PPSA’s Women Empowerment in Agriculture and Climate Action. It also participated in the OECD and UN FAO’s Pilot on Food Security and Responsible Agricultural Value Chain Management initiatives in Southeast Asia, UNDP’s Business Integrity in the Supply Chains, the 2022 UNDP Sustainable Financing Report, and the FAO, CFS, IISD Annual Zero Hunger Private Sector Pledge Accountability Report.

Sharon is a signatory of the United Nations Global Compact. Locally, she leads the Private Sector Champions’ People Pillar and the multistakeholder piloting of the UN Food Systems Transformation Agenda of Zero Hunger in the Philippines, comprising 50 organizations and 5000 Benguet growers.

As a UN Committee on World Food Security’s Zero Hunger Champion and a member of the Private Sector Mechanism, Sharon is the author of “Morination as a Business Case for Women Economic Empowerment in Agricultural Trade and Commerce” and among the social entrepreneurs featured in Planting Greatness: Organizations Accelerating Social Impact in the Philippines. She is also a Private Sector Proponent of Inclusive Business and ESG in SMEs.

As Morination’s Head Contractor for the UN, Sharon spearheads the UN’s humanitarian aid, peace, and development initiatives for the company.  Sharon leads Morination’s teams in driving rural empowerment and multi-stakeholder involvement. She is the Head of Morination’s Million Moringa Movement, which seeks to unleash the full potential of the moringa plant in support of the SDGs. 

Sharon completed her Bachelor of Arts in Political Science from Ateneo de Manila University in 1995. She is also an MA Candidate in Psychology from Ateneo. In 2023, she was the Class Valedictorian of the first cohort of 40 participants from the ASEAN Responsible Investments Programme from the Nanyang Technological University Singapore and Grow Asia. She is an MBA Graduate currently taking her Doctorate in Sustainable Management Administration from the PCU- EPMA School of Management, UAE. 

Sharon has been married to John Gulmatico for 20 years. They have two sons, Aki, 18, and Luigi, 12.

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