Speaker Profile

Prashant Kapoor

Chief Industry Specialist, Green Buildings and Cities, IFC Climate Business Group, Climate Change

A champion of sustainable built environments, Prashant Kapoor, is a passionate advocate for sustainable solutions that align the interests of businesses, financial institutions, governments and civil society.

As an Industry Specialist, he guides the IFC’s global investments in the built environment with a particular focus on financing low carbon developments and sustainable cities.

He is the entrepreneur who created EDGE (“Excellence in Design for Greater Efficiencies”) to mainstream resource-efficient buildings in emerging markets. EDGE is free software, a green building standard, and an international green building certification system. More than 60 million m2 of floor space has been EDGE certified globally. Under his leadership, IFC has created a green building investment portfolio of commercial and residential buildings that totals more than US$12 billion, both directly and through financial intermediaries.

Prashant is currently leading the APEX Green Cities Program that supports cities to transition to low-carbon and resource-efficient growth pathways. As a part of the Program, he has developed the APEX online app that allows cities to map out different action plans and evaluate their impact and financing options that the City can adopt to achieve its climate action goals.

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