Speaker Profile

Nilesh Jadhav

Programme Director, EcoCampus, Energy Research Institute @ NTU

Mr Nilesh is currently a Senior Scientist and Program Director at the NanyangTechnological University (NTU),Singapore.

He has led the EcoCampus initiative at NTU, which brought about a combination of R&D, test-bedding and industry collaboration to achieve a high impact sustainability showcase for Singapore. Before taking over this initiative formally in April 2014, he led the research group on SustainableBuilding Technologies at the EnergyResearch Institute at NTU (ERI@N) asa Program Director.

He has been involved in writing theTechnology Primers on Smart Grids and Solar Technologies for the NationalClimate Change Secretariat and also was the project lead for developingSingapore’s first Technology Road map in the area of Energy Efficient BuildingTechnologies with the BuildingConstruction Authority (BCA) ofSingapore.

Prior to joining NTU in 2011, Nilesh had over 15 years of diverse work experience in management & technical roles in manufacturing, supply- logistics and research functions in Singapore and the Netherlands.

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