Speaker Profile

Maria Atkinson

Chairperson of the Board, Holcim Foundation for Sustainable Construction

Maria is a Director, Advisor and VC Investor. Although a qualified scientist and laboratory technician, the majority of Maria’s career has been in the built environment – city planning, property development and construction. In addition to buildings, her sector expertise includes energy, water, waste, transport and circular industrial processes. Maria has served on many boards and advised businesses and governments. She was a City Commissioner responsible for the co-creation of the 2040 strategic plan for Sydney to be more productive, sustainable, and liveable, and she now serves as a Net Zero Commissioner for the NSW State Government of Australia. In her global and c-suite roles she has contributed to, and reviewed strategies for businesses in Asia, Europe, the Middle East and North and South America. Maria was a Member of Singapore’s Building & Construction Authority's International Panel of Experts, from 2007 – 2015.

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