Speaker Profile

John Leo Algo

Climate and environmental journalist and communicator

John Leo Algo is a climate and environmental journalist and communicator. He is currently a regular contributor of news articles, op-eds, and feature articles in reputable global and national media outlets, including the National Catholic Reporter, Illuminem, Rappler, Licas News, and Oeconomedia. He is a three-time fellow of Climate Tracker, a global non-profit organization aiming to support, train and incentivize journalists to cover the biggest story of our time, the climate crisis, including as a COP26 Fellow covering the global climate negotiations in Glasgow, United Kingdom. He is named as a member of the EE 30 Under 30, Class of 2022 by the North American Association for Environmental Education. He is a finalist for “Best Op-ed/Column” for the 44th Catholic Mass Media Awards and a finalist for the 2021 FameLab Climate Change Communicators by the British Council.

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