Speaker Profile

James Daniel

Philippines Country Manager, SLB

James graduated with a degree in Geology from the National University of Malysia in 1997. Since then, he has worked for 26 years in the Oil & Gas and Geothermal Industry.  

He is currently employed in SLB (previously known as Schlumberger) and has worked there the past 24 years. He has worked in several countries, mainly Malaysia, Brunei, Thailand, Singapore, Philippines and Libya (Sahara desert).  

He has held many responsibilities in SLB, including working in the drilling rigs, engineering, operations, sales and management.  

He is currently the Philippines SLB Country Manager and is a firm believer that safety takes precedence above anything else.  

James is a Malaysian citizen, married with 2 boys and spends his free time in organic farming at his residence.  

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