Speaker Profile

Jacob Duer

President and Chief Executive Officer, Alliance to End Plastic Waste

Jacob Duer is the President and Chief Executive Officer of the Alliance to End Plastic Waste, a global non-profit organisation that brings together industry, government, civil society, development agencies and investors to help end plastic waste in the environment. The Alliance has nearly 50 member companies and supporters across the world’s leading organisations in the plastic value chain.

Jacob leads the strategic visioning and direction of the Alliance that targets to invest $1.5billion over five years to develop, accelerate and scale technologies and solutions focussing on integrated waste management systems, engaging communities and catalysing capital towards a circular economy.

Jacob has more than 20 years of experience with the United Nations, focusing on chemicals and waste management, environment and sustainable development. Currently based inSingapore, he has lived and worked with the United Nations in Austria, Senegal, Kenya and Switzerland.

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