Speaker Profile

Corrine Png

Regional Head of Equities Research, AIA Investment Management

Corrine has 23 years of equities and ESG work experience, beginning her career at HSBC Securities (2001-2003), followed by Citi Investment Research (2003-2008), J.P. Morgan Securities (2008-2016); becoming Founder & CEO of Crucial Perspective (2016-2018), before joining AIA Group in 2018 and is currently the Regional Head of Equities Research and Stewardship.

Corrine leads AIA’s group-wide stewardship efforts to engage investee companies and external fund management partners to decarbonize and commit to net zero using science based targets. She drives the integration of ESG risks and opportunities into the investment team’s equity research and investment process; and the adoption of innovative technology solutions to enhance productivity and efficiency.

She also oversees a team of 27 equity analysts across Asia. Under her leadership, a unified research platform delivering strong bottom-up fundamental investment research with a diverse yet highly collaborative team culture was established. Quantitative and transparent analyst KPI metrics that drive evaluation and compensation were also implemented. Corrine places great emphasis on mentoring, looking after the welfare and development of her team.

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