Speaker Profile

Camly Tran

Senior Advisor, SeaChange

Camly is currently the Head of Operations at CarbonBuilt, a technology company that produces low-carbon, low-cost solutions for the concrete sector. Prior to joining CarbonBuilt, she managed the strategic programming and operations of the Institute for Carbon Management, as the Executive Director. She supported various carbon management projects from inception to execution and was instrumental in winning the Grand Prize forSeaChange, a carbon management solution using carbon dioxide in ocean water, during Singapore’s 2021 Liveability Challenge hosted by the Temasek Foundation.

Throughout her career, she has used her scientific background to help create change. She spent over five years as a Senior Program Officer for the Board onChemical Sciences and Technology at the National Academies of Sciences,Engineering, and Medicine, to advise the U.S. government on scientific issues.While at the Academies, she directed and supported over ten consensus studies sand workshops at the intersection of chemistry and policy in four main areas:education, workforce, defense, and research.

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