September 2023

Minding the ESG skills gap for sustainable fintechs

Rochester Commons | Catapult | Blue Sky, Level 3

1600 hrs - 1800hrs SGT (GMT +8)


In support of SDG

In partnership with

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About this Event

With more than a third of the world's largest companies having made climate pledges within the last decade, there is now ever-increasing demand for talent with expertise and skills in environmental, social and governance (ESG) to help businesses fulfil their climate goals.

While companies have invested heavily to develop their technology capabilities in recent years, not enough has gone towards training sustainability talent.  Close to 90 per cent of respondents said that businesses are not investing enough to equip their staff with skills in sustainability, according to a global study by Salesforce among knowledge workers last year. 82 per cent of those surveyed noted that a lack of skilled talent is keeping companies from meeting their climate goals.

While universities have introduced sustainability-related courses to catch up, change will take time.  While some companies have started to build their own sustainability departments, others have chosen to seek help from ESG fintech companies for carbon accounting and sustainability reporting, or partner with specialised sustainability solution providers.

This brings us to a crucial question: What ESG skills are in greatest demand today?  How does the skill set needed to succeed in sustainable fintech companies differ from the one needed for conventional tech roles? How can industry players and educators collaborate to meet the growing demand for ESG talent on every level?

Join Eco-Business in partnership with the Greenprint Hub as we convene industry leaders to share insights on strategies to overcome the ESG skills shortage and the outlook for sustainability-related career paths within fintech.  










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